Posts tagged ‘book’
Louise Bourgeois: A Flashback of Something that Never Existed
Louise Bourgeois. Ode à l’oubli. 2002. Fabric illustrated book with 35 compositions: 32 fabric collages, 2 with ink additions, and 3 lithographs (including cover), page (each approx.): 11 3/4 x 13” (29.8 x 33 cm); overall: 11 x 12 3/16 x 1 ¾” (28 x 31 x 4.5cm).  © 2013 Louise Bourgeois Trust

Louise Bourgeois. Ode à l’oubli. 2002. Fabric illustrated book with 35 compositions: 32 fabric collages, 2 with ink additions, and 3 lithographs (including cover), page (each approx.): 11 3/4 x 13” (29.8 x 33 cm); overall: 11 x 12 3/16 x 1 ¾” (28 x 31 x 4.5cm). © 2013 Louise Bourgeois Trust

The first installment of MoMA’s new online project Louise Bourgeois: The Complete Prints & Books includes Bourgeois’s fabric book Ode à l’oubli. In 2002, at the beginning of her 90th decade, Bourgeois constructed the book’s linen binding and pages out of 60-year-old, monogrammed hand towels from her 1938 wedding.

Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language: A Q&A with Dexter Sinister, Part 1

Dexter Sinister (David Reinfurt and Stuart Bailey). Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language. 2012. Exhibition catalogue (cover), 224 pages plus insert, edited with Angie Keefer. With 13 “bulletins” by Andrew Blum, Pierre-André Boutang, Chris Evans, Angie Keefer, Bruno Latour, Louis Lüthi, Graham Meyer, Francis McKee, David Reinfurt, Dexter Sinister, Ian Svenonius, Benjamin Tiven, and Jessica Winter, and an essay by Laura Hoptman. Courtesy The Serving Library

Dexter Sinister (David Reinfurt and Stuart Bailey) is an artist team whose practice collapses the often discrete activities of designing, editing, publishing, and distributing books and journals, both printed and in digital form.

February 14, 2011  |  Library and Archives
Books About Books

Working in a library, it is amazing how consistently one is asked, “Which is your favorite book?” I generally stutter and give a muddled reply about how I like the idea of an accumulation of books, or something along those lines. If really pressed, I have recently started mentioning that I like books about books.