Clockwise, from top left: The Lady Eve. 1941. USA. Written and directed by Preston Sturges; The Passion of Joan of Arc. 1928. France. Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer; On the Waterfront. 1954. USA. Directed by Elia Kazan; The Great Dictator. 1940. USA. Directed, produced, and written by Charles Chaplin; Raging Bull. 1980. USA. Directed by Martin Scorsese; Yojimbo. 1961. Japan. Directed by Akira Kurosawa; Jaws. 1975. USA. Directed by Steven Spielberg; Witness for the Prosecution. 1957. USA. Directed by Billy Wilder; Rabbit of Seville. 1950. USA. Directed by Charles M. (Chuck) Jones
Last week you may have noticed that Charles Silver’s long-running Tuesday column, An Auteurist History of Film (based around the MoMA daytime screening series of the same name), was absent. Unfortunately, the August 26 post about Woody Allen’s Manhattan marked the final installment in the series.