Posts tagged ‘Anselm Kiefer’
May 24, 2016  |  Intern Chronicles
Old Buildings, New Histories: Space and Curatorial Practice in Vienna and Berlin
Anselm Kiefer. Woglinde and Die Reintöchter from the Rheingold series. 1982–2013. Woodcut and paper collage on canvas. Installation view, Anselm Kiefer: The Woodcuts, Albertina, March 18–June 19, 2016. Photo: Genevieve Lipinsky de Orlov

Anselm Kiefer. Woglinde and Die Reintöchter from the Rheingold series. 1982–2013. Woodcut and paper collage on canvas. Installation view, Anselm Kiefer: The Woodcuts, Albertina, March 18–June 19, 2016. Photo: Genevieve Lipinsky de Orlov

As a New Yorker, one of the most striking differences in visiting museums abroad is how sparsely populated they can be. On any given day at MoMA it is rare for a visitor to find herself alone in a gallery. During my two-week stay in Vienna and Berlin I happily found myself alone, or in the company of very few, in every museum.

July 30, 2014  |  Intern Chronicles
The Past Is Present: Modern and Contemporary Art in Italy

In Italian, un confronto; in English, a comparison, contrast, or confrontation. In New York, old buildings, like Dia:Beacon, are sometimes beautifully repurposed as museums, but more often they are torn down for something new. In Italy, factories and castles are often transformed into modern and contemporary art institutions. The past confronts the present, and the present is enhanced through its relationship to history.