Posts tagged ‘Annual Fund’
June 28, 2011  |  Behind the Scenes
Counting Down to the Year’s End…in June

Visitors tour MoMA's galleries. Photo: Martin Seck. Shown, from left: David Smith. Australia. 1951. Painted steel on cinder block base. The Museum of Modern Art. Gift of William Rubin. Mark Rothko. No. 5/No. 22. 1950 (dated on reverse 1949). Oil on canvas. The Museum of Modern Art. Gift of the artist. © 2011 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

In a city like New York, it’s pretty easy to become jaded—we live in one of the most dynamic places in the world and can easily fall into a “tell me something I don’t know” attitude. And after nearly 30 years here, 13 of them working at MoMA, I definitely am prone to it myself at times; when you can walk past The Starry Night on your way to the staff caffeteria or sit in the shade of Barnett Newman’s Broken Obelisk on your lunch break, it’s easy to start thinking of your surroundings as just that: surroundings.