Posts tagged ‘Alexander (Sándor) Bortnyik’
June 13, 2013  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Design
The Hungarian Avant-Garde, 1921–25

On any given day, The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Print Room may be full of studio art students viewing contemporary screenprints, art history students researching works for their term papers, or curators from other institutions planning exhibitions.

August 19, 2010  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions, Design
MA at MoMA

Alexander (Sándor) Bortnyik. Ma VII - IK (Grafikai) Kiállitása. 1919

While we always believe in the works we propose for addition to the MoMA collection, some works stand apart in extraordinarily strong ways. They speak to us because of their great historical significance, aesthetic power or, in my case with the above poster, because of true love.