Posts by Juliet Kinchin
September 28, 2010  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Counter Space
The Curse of the Kitchen

Still from the music video The Frankfurt Kitchen. 2008. Black and white, sound. 3:42 min. Music, words, paintings, and script by Robert Rotifer. Animation, camera, and production by Lelo Brossmann and Stefan Csaky (Shock & Awe Video Productions, Vienna). Courtesy Robert Rotifer and Lelo Brossmann

In our last post, we highlighted the larger-than-life lady at the entrance to the Counter Space gallery. Now we’d like to give some background on the music video on the opposite side of the entrance. Juliet and I came across the music video for Robert Rotifer’s “The Frankfurt Kitchen” (2008) early in our research and were thrilled to make contact with the artist, who incidentally will be coming to perform the song at our public program Kitchen Culture on October 28.

Now to Rotifer in his own words…

September 14, 2010  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Counter Space
You’ll Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties

Working on the Counter Space exhibition, particularly in relation to the third section, Kitchen Sink Dramas, reminded me of an obscure British pop song of thirty years ago.

September 13, 2010  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Counter Space
There Will Never Be Enough Counter Space…

Hello, Juliet and Aidan here. We’ll be posting here regularly to share behind-the-scenes stories and to expand on themes and objects explored in the Counter Space exhibition, as well as to feature some bits that did not make the final cut.