Jindřich Štyrský
August 11, 1899 |
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Ústí nad Orlicí |
1920–24 |
Studies painting, collage, photography, and typography at Akademie Vytarnych Umeni (Academy of Fine Arts)
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1923 |
Become members of Devětsil
At location: Jaroslav Rössler, Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1925 |
Designs and illustrates a book of Devětsil poetry
Contributor: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1925–28 |
Lives in Paris
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Paris |
August 1–December 1, 1925 |
Exposition internationale: L'Art d'aujourd'hui at the Chambre Syndicale de la Curiosité et des Beaux-Arts
Participant: César Domela-Nieuwenhuis
Visitor: Florence Henri, Jindřich Štyrský
Paris |
1926 |
Exhibition at the Galerie d'Art Contemporain
Participant: Jindřich Štyrský
Paris |
1926 |
Exhibition at the Aventin Studio
Participant: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1926 |
Štyrsky and Toyen formulate Artificialism, a new artistic movement
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Paris |
1927 |
Publishes the manifesto for Artificialism in ReD
Contributor: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1928–42 |
Lives in Prague
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1929 |
Works as an editor for Literární Kurýr
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
Early 1930s |
Edits Eroticka revue and Edice 69
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1934 |
Founding member of the Czech Surrealist Group, which is in close communication with André Breton's Parisian group
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1935 |
Inaugural exhibition of the Czech Surrealist Group
Participant: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1935 |
French Surrealists invite him to return to Paris
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Paris |
1936 |
Exhibition of Surrealist works
Participant: Jindřich Štyrský
Brno |
May 8–27, 1937 |
Výstava Československé Avantgardy
Prague |
February 22–April 3, 1938 |
Fotografie exhibition of work from the Mánes Association of Fine Artists
Prague |
1939 |
Exhibition at Aventin Studio
Participant: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
March 21, 1942 |
At location: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |
1945 |
Publishes Na jehlách těchto dní
Contributor: Jindřich Štyrský
Prague |