back to index forward An-My Lê (American,  born Vietnam 1960)
In 1975, at the age of fifteen, An-My Lê fled from the war in Vietnam, eventually settling in the United States. In 1994 she returned to Vietnam for the first time, and began making a series of photographs informed by her own memories and by the stories and perceptions of her family. Her eloquent pictures of the Vietnamese countryside, farmland, and villages portray an ancient culture that is inextricably bound to the land. She shows a Vietnam that predates the archival news images of a war-torn country and the urbanized images reproduced in recent reportage.

Untitled. 1994. Gelatin-silver print. 9 1/8 x 13 1/4". The Museum of Modern Art. Gift of Pierre N. Leval.
Untitled, 1994