Max Ernst: Beyond Painting
Installation view of the exhibition "Max Ernst: Beyond Painting"
September 23, 2017–January 1, 2018. IN2384.25. Photograph by Robert Gerhardt.
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Works identified
Max Ernst
The Blind Swimmer
Nageur aveugle
Max Ernst
Two Children Are Threatened by a Nightingale
Deux Enfants sont menacés par un rossignol
Max Ernst
Max Ernst
Max Ernst
Lunar Asparagus
Les Asperges de la lune
1935 (cast 1972)
Max Ernst
The Sea and Rain
La Mer et la pluie
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
False Positions
Les Fausses positions
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
She Guards Her Secret
Elle garde son secret
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Chestnut Trees Take-Off
Le Start du châtaignier
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Fascinating Cypress
Le Fascinant cyprès
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Habit of Leaves
Les Moeurs des feuilles
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Caesar's Palette
La Palette de César
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Teenage Lightning
Les Éclairs au-dessous de quatorze ans
) from
Natural History
Histoire Naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Origin of the Clock
L'Origine de la pendule
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
In the Stable of the Sphinx
Dans l'écurie du sphinx
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Repast of Death
Le Repas du mort
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Wheel of Light
La Roue de la lumière
) from
Natural History
Histoire naturelle
c. 1925, published 1926