Fairy tale-ish music, tweeting birds, sounds to place us in a magical garden.
NARRATOR: Matisse loved spending time in his garden. In fact, he loved it so much, he brought the garden inside. He created this garden on his bedroom walls. He even added a mermaid and a parakeet. Can you find them hiding among the colorful leaves and fruits?
Parakeet: SQWAAAAWK.
NARRATOR: Matisse had assistants help him make this garden. Look up high, above the parakeet. He would cut a dark pink shape like the one in the corner. Then he’d give it to his assistant, who would climb up on a ladder and pin it on the wall. Then Matisse ask her to move it a little bit left or right, until it was just right. Sometimes his assistants would have to move a piece so many times, their fingers got sore!
Gust of wind, leaves rustling.
NARRATOR: Matisse’s garden grew and grew all over the wall, even around a corner. The shapes weren’t glued down back then, so they could even flutter in the breeze like real leaves.
Harp strum as a button to close.