Emily: We've been working with Adelita on this proposal for the next generation of the institution of MoMA should a disastrous happening occur, how the institution would best be serving the public and serving the world at large.
Anatola: It was a group of people's vision for what would be necessary in the world if there was a market crash or a system failure or a government revolution.
Yarid: We had about a month to kind of come up with ideas. And then many of us who had similar ideas came together as a Council, as a MoMA Council for what we would do with the MoMA after this big disaster.
Ava: It wasn't like we just, like, kinda came up with something on the spot and then we took pictures. It was more like we had these really in-depth ideas that transformed so much, like in ways that I never thought they would over the course of two weeks, and then we came up with the photos.
Adelita: I'm going to run you through a series of exercises to really think about why you're posing the way you're posing and what you’re doing. But I just want you to really question.
Emily: We decided how we were gonna frame ourselves for the photographs. So it was a moment in which we were just framing what our group was standing for and what they were interested in achieving as part of the Council in a more tangible, physical form.
Eric: You leave everything that you identify yourself as, and you identify yourself as this character that you're trying to portray and in doing so you get a whole new look of like how other people may feel, how other people may act, how other people like see the world basically.
Anatola: And each group has their own whole world that they made up because of Adelita's instruction. We had so much freedom within the structure for creativity to run wild and for us to make it whatever we wanted. And then we jumped on that and created an entire world.