Brice Marden: A Retrospective of Paintings and Drawings

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Brice Marden: Painting process

Brice Marden: Painting process

Artist, Brice: I double-primed the canvas so that I got rid of a lot of the canvas-weave texture in the beginning. I had my palette, which was an old refrigerator door, and on the palette I had a hot plate with double boilers, and in a coffee can was a mixture of one part beeswax and four parts turpentine. And then as I painted, I would dip my brush into the warm mixture, mix that into the paint, and apply it to the canvas.

Once the canvas was covered, I went back in with a small cooking spatula, to basically erase all the brush strokes, making sure everything works out to the edges properly, and that it maintains the flatness of the plane. And in this process, there’s lots of little scratches in the paint that show through the color underneath. It’s a very hand-made surface. And then I would make some decisions about which way to take the color, and then, at another point, redo the whole exercise.