Glenn Lowry: Curator Connie Butler:
Connie Butler: : In 1955, Clark begins her series of Superfície Modulada paintings, or Modulated Surfaces. The title describes exactly what's going on in these paintings in that the surface itself, the actual mechanical way that the painting is put together, is modulated in some way by the artist.
Glenn Lowry: The painting is made on pieces of wood, put together like a puzzle. Luis Perez-Oramas:
Luis Perez-Oramas: All of them are surfaces conceived as geometric compositions, where the lines are actually physical divisions between the planes.
Glenn Lowry: Here, Clark's "organic line"—the idea of a line as both a connective and a divisive element—moves around the composition, tracing the spaces between the pieces of wood that make up the painting. Clark was also interested in the contrasting colors of the planes.