Eva Respini: Typographic Nude is part of a group of very innovative pictures that were all made around 1964 and '65.
Glenn Lowry: Curator Eva Respini.
Eva Respini: They are a straightforward photograph of either images or text projected onto a nude female body. Heinecken photographed images and text from books, encyclopedias and magazines. He had those made into slides. And then, with the use of a slide projector, he projected these images onto five nude females that he had hired as models. He gave the models 35-millimeter cameras, and asked them to photograph as they were wandering around a space as the slide projectors were functioning. He has given up authorship. He has given up that very important function of releasing the shutter. One might say that this is the most important thing that a photographer might do, and here he's given this up to the models.
Glenn Lowry: Robert Heinecken.
Robert Heinecken: There's very little intervention or very little mechanical work involved between the seeing or the vision, and the actual object, which is a premise that I'm very interested in: how to eliminate a lot of the technical or intermediate kind of zones that are usually associated with photography.