Alex Fialho: Many people know Andy Warhol for his Pop Art paintings of Campbell’s soup cans and celebrity portraits. But he also made many films throughout his career.
Curator, Rajendra Roy: I'm Rajendra Roy. In this gallery we're looking at three works that we would now call “endurance film” in a way. And the idea that you would use film to help document, not only stories, but time itself, is something that Andy made visceral.
Poet, John Giorno: I'm John Giorno. I was in a film Sleep by Andy Warhol. Experimentation was in the air. Underground films were - we appreciated them. Andy and I went two or three nights a week to these things and that's how Andy learned how to make films.
And we'd go to a party or an opening and we'd get back to my place around one o'clock in the morning and I would be drunk and Andy would set up the lights and the camera stands. And I mean, I just slept. Andy was a good friend, so I just let it happen. He was experimenting. It was a sort of idea of filming something that everybody did every day.
Rajendra Roy: The thing I love about these three works Kiss, Blow Job, and Sleep is that these are incredibly intimate acts, incredibly seductive, erotic acts, but also, because of the way he films them, they become incredibly mundane. And to be an artist who could capture both of those things in the same moment, I think is remarkable.