The Collection
Lovis Corinth. David and Goliath (David und Goliath) for the illustrated book Saul and David. The Two Books Samuel (Saul und David. Die beiden Bücher Samuelis). (1923)
German Expressionism
Lovis Corinth. David and Goliath (David und Goliath) for the illustrated book Saul and David. The Two Books Samuel (Saul und David. Die beiden Bücher Samuelis). (1923)
German Expressionism
Lovis Corinth. Walchensee with the Jochberg Mountain (Walchensee mit Jochberg) from the series The Walchensee (small) [Der Walchensee (klein)]. (1923)
German Expressionism
Lovis Corinth. Prophecy (Weissagung). (1914)
German Expressionism
Lovis Corinth. Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes (Schweizer Landschaften). (1924)
German Expressionism
Lovis Corinth. Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes (Schweizer Landschaften). (1924)
German Expressionism
Lovis Corinth. Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes (Schweizer Landschaften). (1924)
German Expressionism
Lovis Corinth. Mountain Stream (Wildbach) from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes (Schweizer Landschaften). (1924)
The Collection
Lovis Corinth. Walchensee with the Jochberg Mountain (Walchensee mit Jochberg) from the series The Walchensee (small) [Der Walchensee (klein)]. (1923)
The Collection
Lovis Corinth. Prophecy (Weissagung). (1914)
The Collection
Lovis Corinth. Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes (Schweizer Landschaften). (1924)
The Collection
Lovis Corinth. Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes (Schweizer Landschaften). (1924)
The Collection
Lovis Corinth. Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes (Schweizer Landschaften). (1924)
The Collection
Lovis Corinth. Mountain Stream (Wildbach) from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes (Schweizer Landschaften). (1924)
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Department of Painting and Sculpture: Artists Recordsin The Museum of Modern Art Archives P_S_ArtistsRecords
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