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6 known variant impressions of state II, 3 on fabric
Not numbered
Edition Information:
Not issued as a published edition at any state.
The sixth known variant impression of this composition is not illustrated, due to its similarity to the impression printed in blue ink on paper, as seen here.
State Changes and Additions:
Changes from state I in drypoint: necklace further delineated; reinforced overall.
Artist’s Remarks:
Inscribed on the verso of the source drawing: "Rien ne m'échappe j'ai peur de ne pas tout voir."
Curatorial Remarks:
The plate dimensions of this impression could not be documented because this work is not in MoMA's collection and could not be examined in person. The dimensions given are from another impression.
According to the artist's assistant, Jerry Gorovoy, this print composition led to the 2004 Untitled sculpture seen below in Related Works in Other Mediums. There are eyes going around both sides of this sculptural head.
Other Remarks:
According to the Louise Bourgeois Studio, Bourgeois intended to make an edition of this composition, but never completed it. Two of the known impressions on fabric have inscriptions (in an unknown hand) on the verso showing some indication of future editioning: one impression says, "No. 1/7" and the other says, "1 of 2 unique variants."
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