Louise Bourgeois,
Hours of the Day,
New York: Carolina Nitsch Editions and Lison Editions, 2006Bourgeois's entire text for this portfolio appears on the compositions cited below.
No. 1 of 24
I am waiting for you
I will not abandon you
I can wait for you
I will wait for you
Do not abandon me
No. 2 of 24
House arrest
No. 3 of 24
My breasts are flat
What am I to do but wait
-for what?
It’s going to be too late
No. 4 of 24
Le Procrastinator
No. 5 of 24
The clock that has stopped
No one
No. 6 of 24
I need to hear your voice every day at 11 AM
to know if you are here
No. 7 of 24
The return of the hero
Long time no see
No. 8 of 24
C'est le jour des pardons
des petits pardons
No. 9 of 24
I want to be loved for myself
No. 10 of 24
In depression
the motion of the possible
is reversed
and replaced by the impossible
No. 11 of 24
What did you do for twenty years?
You have wasted your time
The woman who has lost her life
She has cooked, housecleaned, sewn
washed, done the stairs, the windows,
the floors, the fish and the soup
No. 12 of 24
La matinée
Le déjeuner
L'après-midi, je monte à 5 heures
faire la couverture
La soirée
La nuit
Je ne perds pas vue ni le passé
ni l'avenir
I stay on top of my inquiétude
No. 13 of 24
Ugly today
Ugly tomorrow
Ugly for ever
No. 14 of 24
Turning round like sick pig
It was urgent yesterday
It is not urgent today
No. 15 of 24
L'energie du matin n'est pas une
force centripete
La Fatigue du soir a une
force centrifuge
No. 16 of 24
I am on the other side of despair
and this happens to me 4 times a day
I am fed up
I want to give up and see no one
Finish, hopeless, good evening
No. 17 of 24
All my actions today
will aim to avoid
the things that I have to do
No. 18 of 24
J'aimais les jours de Penelope
Oublie la
No. 19 of 24
Emptiness in time and in space
I need emptiness
The garden is beautiful and empty
My future, my days are all clear and empty
I have time
No. 20 of 24
Back and forth
Rhythm of the clock
The planet is a clock turning and ticking
You have to get in step
with the ticking of the world
Then it is all right
No. 21 of 24
Your sudden perception of beauty
is what keeps you going
step by step along the way
No. 22 of 24
Eruption of the unconscious
Place it in magistracy
Place it in history
Place it in time
No. 23 of 24
Buds on tree branches
Birds return
Only lint is beyond redemption
Arrival of the crackles
No. 24 of 24
Echo of the morning
Return of the light
The admiration towards
the loved object
is infinite