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There are 2 known variant impressions outside the edition.
This edition, including A.P., P.P., B.A.T., H.C., and T.P. impressions, comprises 27 works, each with hand additions that transform the hair of the female figures. All impressions have additions in reddish watercolor; one A.P. impression also has additions in blue watercolor. A selection of impressions appears below in the Evoloving Composition Diagram to illustrate the kinds of variations found across the edition.
Benefit Work:
For New Museum, New York
Curatorial Remarks:
The fabric collage elements are sewn together, and are adhered to the paper with cross stitches visible at the four outer corners.
There are slight signs of erasure around the signature.
Other Remarks:
According to printer Harlan & Weaver, Bourgeois used one oval plate, drawn on both sides, to make this composition.
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