Untitled, no. 30 of 69, from the illustrated book, Album
Illustrated Book
Louise Bourgeois,
New York, Peter Blum Edition, 1994No. 30 of 69
This is a welcome relief! Because some-
times I can get very excited over the past.
I find this very embarrassing and then,
instead of turning against my irrepressible
self, you see, I turn against the poor
people that are no more. I turn against
my family. I say damn them. And this rat
— you see his queer little eyes there? — is a
welcome relief. He seems to me as if to
say, “I know what you mean, I have gone
through that myself.” You have a right to
be fed up and you have a right to be a rat
once in a while. You don’t have to be
good all the time!