Lovis Corinth
The Birth of Venus (Die Geburt der Venus)....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
Burial (Grablegung) from Compositions....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
Rudolf Rittner as Florian Geyer (Rudolf Rittner als....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
Death Lament (Totenklage) for the portfolio....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
The Victor (Der Sieger) from Compositions....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
Crucifixion (After the altarpiece at Tölz)....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
Odysseus and the Beggar (Odysseus und der Bettler)....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
Martyrdom (Martyrium) for the portfolio....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
Protected by Weapons (Im Schutz der Waffen) for....
(1921-22) -
Lovis Corinth
The Bacchants (Bacchantenzug) from....