Gerhard Marcks
The Epiphany (Die Erscheinung des Herrn)....
(1950) -
Gerhard Marcks
The Prophet Jonah (Der Prophet Jona) from....
(1950) -
Gerhard Marcks
Ship in a Storm (Schiff im Sturm) from Jonah....
(1950) -
Gerhard Marcks
The Big Fish (Der große Fisch) from....
(1950) -
Gerhard Marcks
The City Nineveh (Die Stadt Ninive) from....
(1950) -
Gerhard Marcks
The Prophet When Giving a Sermon (Der Prophet als....
(1950) -
Gerhard Marcks
Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from....
(1950) -