The Museum of Modern Art Exhibition Records 1995–1997

Overview of the Collection


Historical Note

Scope and Content


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Administrative Information

Box and Folder List

1701. Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series [MoMA Exh. #1701, January 11(12)-April 11, 1995]

1702. Semblances [MoMA Exh. #1702, January 14-May 9, 1995]

1703. Max Beckmann Prints from The Museum of Modern Art [MoMA Exh. #1703, January 14-May 9, 1995]

1704. Recent Acquisitions: Photography [MoMA Exh. #1704, January 18(19)-April 11, 1995]

1705. Projects 49: Nancy Rubins [MoMA Exh. #1705, January 24(26)-March 14, 1995]

1706. Kandinsky: Compositions [MoMA Exh. #1706, January 25(26)-April 25, 1995]

1707. Recent Acquisitions [MoMA Exh. #1707, February 15-June 5, 1995]

1707A. Typography and the Poster [MoMA Exh. #1707A, February 15-May 31, 1995]

1707B. Machine Art [MoMA Exh. #1707B, February 15-April 4, 1995]

1707C. 10 Masters of the Modern Poster [MoMA Exh. #1707C, February 15-]

1708. American Sculptors in the 60's: Selected Drawings from the Collection [MoMA Exh. #1708, February 16-June 20, 1995]

1709. Bruce Nauman [MoMA Exh. #1709, March 1(5)-May 23, 1995]

1710. Projects 50: Tom Friedman [MoMA Exh. #1710, March 28(30)-May 16, 1995]

1711. Helen Chadwick: Bad Blooms [MoMA Exh. #1711, April 12(13)-July 11, 1995]

1712. Masterworks from the Louise Reinhardt Smith Collection [MoMA Exh. #1712, May 3(4)-August 22, 1995]

1713. Mutant Materials in Contemporary Design [MoMA Exh. #1713, May 24(25)-August 27, 1995]

1714. Adding It Up: Print Acquisitions 1970–1995 [MoMA Exh. #1714, May 27-September 5, 1995]

1715. Projects 51: Paul McCarthy [MoMA Exh. #1715, May 30(6/1)-July 18, 1995]

1716. Designing Magic: Disney Animation Art [MoMA Exh. #1716, June 9(10)-October 31, 1995]

1717. The United Nations in Perspective [MoMA Exh. #1717, June 13(15)-September 26, 1995]

1718. Civic Architecture [MoMA Exh. #1718, June 13-September 26, 1995]

1719. The Silence: Photographs by Gilles Peress [MoMA Exh. #1719, June 15-August 15, 1995]

1719A. Sculpture from the Collection [MoMA Exh. #1719A, June 17-August 20, 1995]

NN77. Gerhard Richter: Recent Acquisition [MoMA Exh. #NN77, July-September 1995]

1720. Artist's Choice: Elizabeth Murray [MoMA Exh. #1720, June 19(20)-August 22, 1995]

1721. Video Spaces: Eight Installations [MoMA Exh. #1721, June 21(22)-September 12, 1995]

1721A. The Human Figure: A Modern Vision [MoMA Exh. #1721A, July 1-October 3, 1995]

1722. Leon Levinstein [MoMA Exh. #1722, July 20-October 10, 1995]

1723. Selections from the Bequest of Nina and Gordon Bunshaft [MoMA Exh. #1723, August 4-October 10, 1995]

1724. Stieglitz at Lake George [MoMA Exh. #1724, September 13(14), 1995-January 2, 1996]

1725. Impressions of Nature [MoMA Exh. #1725, September 16, 1995-January 2, 1996]

1726. Light Construction [MoMA Exh. #1726, September 20(21), 1995-January 2, 1996]

1727. Piet Mondrian: 1872–1944 [MoMA Exh. #1727, September 27(October1),-1995-January 23, 1996]

1728. Annette Messager [MoMA Exh. #1728, October 11(12), '95-January 16, 1996]

1728a. Piet Mondrian's DeStijl Colleagues [MoMA Exh. #1728a, October 12, '95-February 20, 1996]

1728b. Drawings on Chance: Selections from the Permanent Collection [MoMA Exh. #1728b, October 12, 1995-January 23, 1996]

1729. From the Collection: Abstraction, Pure and Impure [MoMA Exh. #1729, October 20, 1995-May 21, 1996]

1729a. New Photography 11 [MoMA Exh. #1729a, October 17(19), 1995-January 9, 1996]

1730. Projects 52: Carrie Mae Weems [MoMA Exh. #1730, October 31(November 1),1995-March 12,1996]

1730A. Film Posters from the Collection [MoMA Exh. #1730A, November 10, 1995-]

1731. Published by Joe Fawbush [MoMA Exh. #1731, November 30-December 12, 1996]

1732. Projects 53: Oliver Herring/Leo Nilson [MoMA Exh. #1732, January 16(18)-March 12, 1996]

1733. Michael Schmidt: Einheit (U-NI-TY) [MoMA Exh. #1733, January 17(18)-March 26, 1996]

1734. Brancusi: A Special Installation, Selected Masterworks from the Musee de l'Art Moderne, Paris and from The Museum of Modern Art, New York [MoMA Exh. #1734, January 18-May 5, 1996]

1735. Sol LeWitt Prints [MoMA Exh. #1735, January 23(25)-May 7, 1996]

1736. Roy DeCarava: A Retrospective [MoMA Exh. #1736, January 24(25)-May 7, 1996]

1737. Beuys and After: Contemporary German Drawings [MoMA Exh. #1737, February 2-May 4, 1996]

1738. Lilly Reich: Designer and Architect [MoMA Exh. #1738, February 6(8)-May 7, 1996]

1739. Deformations: Apects of the Modern Grotesque [MoMA Exh. #1739, February 16-May 21, 1996]

1740. Projects 54: Hirsch Perlman [MoMA Exh. #1740, March 26(28)-May 21, 1996]

1741. Come Sunday: Photographs by Thomas Roma [MoMA Exh. #1741, April 2(4)-June 18, 1996]

1742. Refining the Sports Car: Jaguar's E-Type [MoMA Exh. #1742, April 3(4)-August 20, 1996]

1743. Picasso and Portraiture: Representation and Transformation [MoMA Exh. #1743, April 24(28)-September 17, 1996]

1744. Master Prints From the Collection [MoMA Exh. #1744, May 18-October 1, 1996]

1745. From the Collection: A Century of American Drawings [MoMA Exh. #1745, May 23-September 17, 1996]

1746. From Bauhaus to Pop: Masterworks Given by Philip Johnson [MoMA Exh. #1746, June 5(6)-September 3, 1996]

NN78. Selections from the Architecture and Design Collection [MoMA Exh. #NN78, June 3, 1996-July 19, 1996]

1747. Philip Johnson: Architecture and Design Gifts [MoMA Exh. #1747, June 5(6)-September 3, 1996]

1748. Thinking Print: Books to Billboards 1980–95 [MoMA Exh. #1748, June 19(20)-September 10, 1996]

1749. Pictures of the Times: A Century of Photography from the New York Times [MoMA Exh. #1749, June 26(27)-October 8, 1996]

1750. Contemporary Design from the Netherlands [MoMA Exh. #1750, June 27-November 5, 1996]

1751. Recent Gifts Honoring Philip Johnson's Ninetieth Birthday [MoMA Exh. #1751, July 3-October 30, 1996]

1752. Projects 55: Pieter Laurens Mol [MoMA Exh. #1752, September 18(19)-November 12, 1996]

NN79. Film Posters from the Collection [MoMA Exh. #NN79, November 1996-January 1997]

NN80. Books in the MoMA Library Artists' Book Collection, Museum Library [MoMA Exh. #NN80, Fall 1996-no closing date]

1753. Antonin Artaud: Works on Paper [MoMA Exh. #1753, October 1(3), 1996-January 7, 1997]

1754. Jasper Johns: A Retrospective [MoMA Exh. #1754, October 15(20), 1996-January 21, 1997]

1755. Jasper Johns: Process and Printmaking [MoMA Exh. #1755, October 15(17), 1996-January 21, 1997]

NN81. Printmaking Tools and Techniques. The Edward John Noble Education Center [MoMA Exh. #NN81, October 15, 1996-January 21, 1997]

1756. Simple Gifts: A Selection of Gifts to the Collection from Lily Auchincloss [MoMA Exh. #1756, October 18-23, 1996]

1756A. New Photography 12: Richard Billingham, Thomas Demand, Thomas Demand, Osamu Kanemura, Sophie Ristlehueber, Georgina Starr, Wolfgang Tillmans [MoMA Exh. #1756A, October 23(24), 1996-February 4, 1997]

1756B. More Weight [MoMA Exh. #1756B, November 15, 1996-January 26, 1997]

NN82. Some Recent Acquisitions [MoMA Exh. #NN82, Autumn 1996-no closing date]

1757. Projects 56: General Idea [MoMA Exh. #1757, November 26(28), 1996-January 7, 1997]

1757A. The Maximal Sixties: Pop, Op, and Figuration [MoMA Exh. #1757A, January 18, 1996-May 27, 1997]

NN83. General Idea, Museum Library [MoMA Exh. #NN83, November 26, 1996-January7, 1996]

1758. Projects 57: Bul Lee/Chie Matsui [MoMA Exh. #1758, January 21(23)-March 25, 1997]

NN84. Dated Material: Calendars from the Museum's Collections, Museum Library [MoMA Exh. #NN84, Spring 1997-no closing date]

1759. Willem de Kooning: The Late Paintings, The 1980s [MoMA Exh. #1759, January 22(23)-April 29, 1997]

1760. A Singular Vision: Prints from Landfall Press [MoMA Exh. #1760, February 4(6)-May 6, 1997]

1761. Fantastic Prints [MoMA Exh. #1761, February 4(6)-May 6, 1997]

1762. Masterworks from the Florene May Schoenborn Bequest [MoMA Exh. #1762, February 4-March 30, 1997]

1763. American Photography 1890–1965 from the Collection [MoMA Exh. #1763, February 19(20)-October 7, 1997]

1764. Recent Acquisitions: American Photography [MoMA Exh. #1764, February 19-April 15, 1997]

1765. Manuel Alvarez Bravo [MoMA Exh. #1765, February 19(20)-May 18, 1997]

1766. The Photomontages of Hannah Höch [MoMA Exh. #1766, February 26(27)-May 20, 1997]

1767. Projects 58: Rikrit Tiravanija [MoMA Exh. #1767, April 1(3)-June 1, 1997]

1768. Projects 59: Architecture as Metaphor [MoMA Exh. #1768, April 8(10)-June 3, 1997]

1769. From The Grace M. Mayer Collection [MoMA Exh. #1769, April 24-July 15, 1997]

1770. Brought to Light: Black Cinema, 1921–1959: Selections from the James E. Wheeler Collection [MoMA Exh. #1770, May 1-September 2, 1997]

1771. Toward the New Museum of Modern Art: Sketchbooks of Ten Architects [MoMA Exh. #1771, May 1-October 7, 1997]

1771A. Photographs from S-21 1975–79 [MoMA Exh. #1771A, May 15-October 7, 1997]

1771B. More than One: Twentieth-Century Print Portfolio [MoMA Exh. #1771B, May 16-September 2, 1997]

1772. Objects of Desire: The Modern Still Life [MoMA Exh. #1772, May 21(25)-August 26, 1997]

NN85. Objects of Desire: The Modern Still Life The Edward John Noble Education Center [MoMA Exh. #NN85, May 21, 1997-August 26, 1997]

1773. Selections from the Collection [MoMA Exh. #1773, May 30-August 19, 1997]

1774. Recent Acquisitions in Modern Drawings [MoMA Exh. #1774, June 5-September 9, 1997]

1775. Stenberg Brothers: Constructing a Revolution in Soviet Design [MoMA Exh. #1775, June 9(10)-September 2, 1997]

1776. Paris-the 1890s [MoMA Exh. #1776, June 18-September 2, 1997]

1777. Cindy Sherman: The Complete Untitled Film Stills [MoMA Exh. #1777, June 24(26)-September 2., 1997]

1778. Projects 60: John Currin, Elizabeth Peyton, Luc Tuymans [MoMA Exh. #1778, June 26-September 9, 1997]

1779. Object and Abstraction: Contemporary Photographs from the Collection [MoMA Exh. #1779, July 27-October 7, 1997]

1780. A Decade of Collecting: Recent Acquisitions in Contemporary Drawing [MoMA Exh. #1780, September 18, 1997-January 20, 1998]

NN86. George Wittenborn. Museum Library [MoMA Exh. #NN86, Fall 1997 - no closing date].

1781. New Concepts in Printmaking 1: Peter Halley [MoMA Exh. #1781, September 17(18), 1997-February 8, 1998]

1782. From Henri Toulouse Lautrec to Andy Warhol: Exploring Techniques [MoMA Exh. #1782, September 17(18)-February 8, 1998]

1783. Projects 61: Franz West [MoMA Exh. #1783, September 23(25)-November 11, 1997]

1783A. Ellsworth Kelly: 15 Works on Paper 1949–1958 [MoMA Exh. #1783A, September 18, 1997-January 13, 1998]

1784. On the Edge: Contemporary Art from the Werner and Elaine Dannheisser Collection [MoMA Exh. #1784, September 29(30), 1997-January 20, 1998]

1785. Egon Schiele: The Leopold Collection, Vienna [MoMA Exh. #1785, October 8(12), 1997-January 4, 1998]

1786. Vienna/Permanent Collection [MoMA Exh. #1786, October 8(12), 1997-January 4, 1998]

1787. Achille Castiglioni: Design! [MoMA Exh. #1787, October 15(16), 1997-January 6, 1998]

NN87. Achille Castiglioni: Design! The Edward John Noble Education Center [MoMA Exh. #NN87, October 15, 1997-January 4, 1998]

1788. New Photography 13, Rineke Dijkstra, An My Le, Vic Muniz, Kuni‚ Sigiura [MoMA Exh. #1788, October 23(24), 1997-January 13, 1998]

1789. Projects 62: Steve McQueen [MoMA Exh. #1789, November 25(26)-February 10, 1998]

1790. The Hubley Studio: A Home for Animation [MoMA Exh. #1790, December 19, 1997-January 2, 1998]