MoMA Staff
New York Times Review of the exhibition
28 November 1985
A TRANQUIL MUSEUM Many of those who observe the holiday in the traditional, gastronomic manner, will be seeking events today that are in the class of none-too-strenuous things to do before sitting down at the table or after leaving it. The Museum of Modern Art (708-9400) is open from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. with its survey of print making by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. The artist produced these lithographs and posters during the last 10 years of his life. These lithoghraphs were said to have captured the spirit of Paris in the 1890's. In his pictures he had a knack for putting things in the right place, for leaving out the right thing. He masterfully composed his images and had his own range of color. He could also esthetically combine his images with the words on his prints and posters. Consequently, many of his graphics became classics. There are more than 300 items in this exhibition, material that was gathered from private collectors and museums in various places.
New York Times • Arts • page 11 • 685 words