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Video From Latin America

29 October to 1 December 1981

View on MoMA

MoMA Staff



Sonia Andrade
1 exhibition
Jaime Ardila
1 exhibition
Marco Castillo Blanco
1 exhibition
Michel Cardena
Dutch, born 1934
1 exhibition
Juan Castillo
1 exhibition
Margarita D'Amico
1 exhibition
Diamela Eltit
1 exhibition
Anna Bella Geiger
Brazilian, born 1933
2 exhibitions
Tony Labat
American, born Cuba. 1951
4 exhibitions
Sandra Llano-Mejia
Colombian, born 1951
1 exhibition
Manuel Manzano
1 exhibition
Artur Matuck
1 exhibition
Teodoro Maus
Mexican, born 1934
2 exhibitions
Oscar Monslave
1 exhibition
Margarita Paksa
1 exhibition
Geo Ripley
1 exhibition
Lotty Rosenfeld
Chilean, born 1943
1 exhibition
Eugenio Tellez
1 exhibition
Edin Vélez
American, born Puerto Rico 1951
7 exhibitions
Cecilia Vicuña
Chilean, born 1948
1 exhibition
Raúl Zurita
Chilean, born 1950
1 exhibition