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Photographs of the Civil War and the American Frontier

3 March to 5 April 1942

View on MoMA

MoMA Staff

Ansel Adams  American, 1902–1984


H.C. Barley
1 exhibition
George Barnard
American, 1819–1902
9 exhibitions
William H. Bell
American, 1830–1910
3 exhibitions
Mathew B. Brady
American, 1823–1896
21 exhibitions
John Carbutt
1 exhibition
Edward S. Curtis
American, 1868–1954
11 exhibitions
1 exhibition
H.A. Doerr
1 exhibition
Alexander Gardner
American, born Scotland. 1821–1882
9 exhibitions
James F. Gibson
2 exhibitions
John Hillers
American, 1843–1925
4 exhibitions
W.H. Illingworth
1 exhibition
William Henry Jackson
American, 1843–1942
12 exhibitions
Charles G. Johnson
1 exhibition
H.G. Kaiser
1 exhibition
Clarence King
1 exhibition
Timothy O'Sullivan
American, born Ireland. 1840–1882
16 exhibitions
Andrew Joseph Russell
American, 1830–1902
9 exhibitions
Simeon Schwemberger
1 exhibition
Isaac Walton Taber
1 exhibition
C.F. Townsend
1 exhibition
Carleton E. Watkins
American, 1829–1916
9 exhibitions
Ben Wittick
American, 1845–1903
2 exhibitions
John Wood
2 exhibitions

New York Times Review of the exhibition


3 March 1942

CIVIL WAR PHOTOS SHOWN BY MUSEUM; W.H. Jackson, Who Took Some of Them, Attends Preview at Modern Art

Historical photographs of the Civil War, taken before either photography or war had reached its present speed, will go on exhibition this morning at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street.

New York Times • page 16 • 368 words