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America Seen: Between The Wars

25 April to 7 August 1961

View on MoMA


Awa Tsireh (Alfonso Roybal)
American, 1900–1955
4 exhibitions
Roff Beman
American, 1891–1940
4 exhibitions
Rainey Bennett
American, 1907–1998
7 exhibitions
Thomas Hart Benton
American, 1889–1975
19 exhibitions
Peter Blume
American, 1906–1992
46 exhibitions
Ernest Blumenschein
American, 1874–1960
9 exhibitions
Raymond Breinin
American, 1910–2000
7 exhibitions
Charles Burchfield
American, 1893–1967
44 exhibitions
Jewett Campbell
American, 1912–1999
4 exhibitions
Clarence H. Carter
American, 1904–2000
8 exhibitions
Pedro Cervantez
American, born 1915
4 exhibitions
Stuart Davis
American, 1892–1964
59 exhibitions
Charles Demuth
American, 1883–1935
51 exhibitions
Guy Pène du Bois
American, 1884–1958
9 exhibitions
Dean Fausett
American, 1913–1998
5 exhibitions
William Gropper
American, 1897–1977
29 exhibitions
George Grosz
American, born Germany. 1893–1959
77 exhibitions
O. Louis Guglielmi
American, 1906–1956
12 exhibitions
Joseph Hirsch
American, 1910–1981
12 exhibitions
Edward Hopper
American, 1882–1967
61 exhibitions
Morris Kantor
American, 1896–1974
18 exhibitions
Jacob Lawrence
American, 1917–2000
8 exhibitions
Jack Levine
American, 1915–2010
19 exhibitions
Loren MacIver
American, 1909–1998
23 exhibitions
John Marin
American, 1870–1953
63 exhibitions
Reginald Marsh
American, 1898–1954
19 exhibitions
Georgia O'Keeffe
American, 1887–1986
41 exhibitions
José Clemente Orozco
Mexican, 1883–1949
55 exhibitions
Junius Redwood
American, 1917–1991
4 exhibitions
Ben Shahn
American, born Lithuania. 1898–1969
86 exhibitions
Charles Sheeler
American, 1883–1965
85 exhibitions
Niles Spencer
American, 1893–1952
25 exhibitions
Joseph Stella
American, 1877–1946
41 exhibitions
William Zorach
American, 1889–1966
45 exhibitions

New York Times Review of the exhibition


30 April 1961

U.S.A., CURRENT AND REVIVED; The Whitney and The Museum of Modern Art in Tandem


WITH the art season developing the first signs of a limp as it draws toward a close, the handsomest temporary exhibition in New York last week was a bed of scarlet tulips (Tulipa Fosteriana Emperor) in the sculpture garden of the Museum of Modern Art.

New York Times • page X15 • 1,132 words