Talking Families: Part 10

Between September 17 and October 15, kids ages 10 to 14 and their parents/caregivers are participating in a MoMA Family Art Workshop connected to Talk to Me. After viewing and discussing objects in the exhibition, the family groups have developed their own communication-related inventions. We have invited them to share their projects here.

Inventors: Liran
Age of inventor: 14
Invention: Automated Hair Salon

You insert a strand of hair into the machine, and choose your desired hairstyle. An attached computer will help you to achieve your look. Custom hair colors are available. This offer is only available on TV, while supplies last.

Inventors: Noy
Age of inventor: 12
Invention: Computer Pro

Computer Pro is a voice-activated computer that helps to make any task easier. Say “YouTube” and it goes to “YouTube.” It can even help you type an essay by transcribing your speech.

Inventors: Benny
Age of inventor: 45
Invention: PAS (Parking Available Spot)

PAS is like a GPS system, but this product alerts users when parking spaces are available on the street. It saves time and frustration by letting the user know all available spots on busy city streets.

Inventors: Michael, Theresa, Olivia, Sophia
Age of inventors: 49, 19, 11, and 11
Invention: The Ostel

A vertical construction made of four cubes set at different angles, the Ostel has projectors on all sides, allowing it to cover the room with designs and patterns. This device is perfect for college kids or in dance clubs. Interchangeable bases allow the Ostel to sit or hang in multiple orientations in space.

Inventors: Sofie and Kathleen Cornelis
Age of inventors: 14 and 47
Invention: Speak Up

Speak Up can help bridge any language gap. By accessing online databases this device translates for all the main languages of the U.N. including (but not limited to): English, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi, and Russian. A lightweight headset and a sensitive microphone help to minimize distractions in communication.

Inventors: Michael and Irina Ryjak
Age of inventors: 13 and 49
Invention: Wire Crane

In order to overcome difficulty picking up and handling thin wires, the Wire Crane has a pirate hook that easily takes hold of otherwise unwieldy wires. Good for flinging, and even making music, this device may even be used as a prosthetic hand.

Inventors: Izzie and Judi DeLuca
Age of inventors: 13 and 45
Invention: Trakteez

High heels or boots can be really uncomfortable and give you nasty blisters. Save a visit to the podiatrist and wear Trackteez. Retractable heels allow you to customize your footwear to fit your desired comfort level. If you aren’t allowed to wear heels then you can secretly make your shoes higher. Walk from class in low heels and meet your friends in high heels. The shape and form of the shoe also shifts to fit your situation.

Inventor: Lilly-Anne
Invention: Task Manager

Multiple sides allow the user to determine how/when to do a task. There are different levels of urgency such as “ASAP” or “Whenever.” Post-its are kept in an “Already Done” section to help you keep track of your progress.

Inventors: Bjorn Kalderen
Age of inventor: 48
Invention: 3-D Icons

Instead of an Android or iPhone cluttered with flat, unidirectional icons, the 3-D Icon allows you to create associations and connections between applications. Each icon has 6 different topics, like the surface of a cube. Drag-and-drop functionality allows the user to create new content.

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