Posts tagged ‘Exquisite Corpses: Drawing and Disfiguration
June 14, 2012  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
Endless Anagrams: Hans Bellmer and Anna Gaskell’s Imaginary Conversation

Hans Bellmer. The Doll. 1937. White ink on black paper. The Joan and Lester Avnet Collection. © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris

In organizing the third-floor Drawings collection exhibition Exquisite Corpses: Drawing and Disfiguration, I opted to create groupings based on artists’ common strategies and themes rather than chronology.

April 12, 2012  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Marcel Jean, Witness and Sometime Actor

Currently on view in the third-floor drawings galleries, Exquisite Corpses: Drawing and Disfiguration includes five works that belong to this titular category of collaborative creation. The “exquisite corpse” was a parlor game played by Surrealist artists and poets in Paris in the 1920s.