The Collection
Our evolving collection contains almost 200,000 works of modern and contemporary art. More than 104,000 works are currently available online.
Henry Darger
Untitled (Map of Angelinia Ayathas Battlefield)
Henry Darger
a) Untitled (Sombreros and orange canyon) b) Untitled (Two boys canoeing)
On view
Gallery 412
Henry Darger
a) At McCalls run. A demon appears in room. Hands of fire. Torrington imperaled by explosion b) At Jennie Richee During full fury of storm enemy soldiers seize them at the caves mouth and they are strangled to senselessness,
Henry Darger
Untitled (Overall flowers) (recto); Untitled (Beautiful girls sitting around with giant cactus in center) (verso)
Henry Darger
a) Are almost murdered themselves though they fight for their lives typhoon saves them... b) Vivian girls said Glandelinian tent,
Henry Darger
a) Untitled (Strangled child in the sky) b) At Norma Catherine nearing enemy lines are captured
Henry Darger
a) The Vivian girls nuded like child slaves b) Untitled (Sacred Heart) and At second battle of Marcocino also escape from disasterous explosion during battle caused by glandelinians
Henry Darger
a) Captured by Glandelinians under Baldwin (Baldwin not shown here) during the frightful carnage at Aronburgs Run or Glorianna b) Picture No Two of the same scenes
Henry Darger
a) They had seized a Glandelinian officer... b) At Jennie Richie are arrested again with bum by reinforcing Glandelinians
Henry Darger
a) Untitled (Grape shaped damna fruit) b) Untitled (Vines strangling girls)
Henry Darger
a) Untitled (Many girls tied to slabs of stone) b) Untitled (Pastoral scene - girls with lasso)
Henry Darger
At Jennie Richee At shore of Aronburg Run River... (recto); Untitled (Girl swinging on vine) (verso)
Henry Darger
a) At Jennie Richee the Blengins stay under shelter b) Lightning strikes the crazy outfit again
Henry Darger
Spangled Blengins. Boy King Islands. One is a young Tuskerhorian the other a human headed Dortherean.
Henry Darger
116. At Jennie Richee. Notice by approach of blue gray black cloud that hurricane like thunder storm is going to renew., 117. At Jennie Richee. To avoid being out in the open when storm renews, they take chance going through farm possessed by Glandelin
c. 1960s