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Visionary Architecture

29 September to 4 December 1960

View on MoMA

MoMA Staff

Arthur Drexler  American, 1921–1987


Theo van Doesburg (Christian Emil Marie Küpper)
Dutch, 1883–1931
31 exhibitions
Hermann Finsterlin
German, 1887–1973
4 exhibitions
James Fitzgibbon
American, 1915–1985
1 exhibition
R. Buckminster Fuller
American, 1895–1983
12 exhibitions
Louis I. Kahn
American, born Estonia. 1901–1974
11 exhibitions
William Katavolos
American, born 1924
3 exhibitions
Frederick Kiesler
American, born Romania. 1890–1965
30 exhibitions
Kiyonori Kikutake
1 exhibition
Kisho Kurokawa
Japanese, 1934–2007
2 exhibitions
Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret)
French, born Switzerland. 1887–1965
45 exhibitions
El Lissitzky
Russian, 1890–1941
44 exhibitions
Paul Nelson
American, 1895–1979
6 exhibitions
Hans Poelzig
German, 1869–1936
4 exhibitions
Paolo Soleri
American, born Italy, 1919–2013
2 exhibitions
Bruno Taut
1 exhibition
Michael Webb
British, born 1937
3 exhibitions
Frank Lloyd Wright
American, 1867–1959
30 exhibitions
Clive Entwistle
1 exhibition
Vincent Korda
1 exhibition
Reginald Malcolmson
1 exhibition
Jean-Claude Mazet
1 exhibition
C.D. Sides
1 exhibition
Anne Tyng
1 exhibition

New York Times Review of the exhibition


11 September 1960

Article 3 -- No Title

New York Times • page X21 • 203 words