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European Drawing Between the Wars

24 October 1987 to 1 March 1988

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MoMA Staff



Iurii Annenkov
Russian, 1889–1974
4 exhibitions
Jean (Hans) Arp
French, born Germany (Alsace). 1886–1966
81 exhibitions
Johannes Baader
German, 1875–1955
11 exhibitions
Ernst Barlach
German, 1870–1938
36 exhibitions
Willi Baumeister
German, 1889–1955
18 exhibitions
Max Beckmann
German, 1884–1950
72 exhibitions
Hans Bellmer
German, 1902–1975
17 exhibitions
Henryk Berlewi
Polish, 1894–1967
4 exhibitions
Cadavre Exquis
5 exhibitions
Giorgio de Chirico
Italian, born Greece. 1888–1978
80 exhibitions
Lovis Corinth
German, 1858–1925
41 exhibitions
Salvador Dalí
Spanish, 1904–1989
59 exhibitions
Otto Dix
German, 1891–1969
70 exhibitions
Theo van Doesburg (Christian Emil Marie Küpper)
Dutch, 1883–1931
31 exhibitions
Oscar Domínguez
French, 1906–1957
16 exhibitions
Marcel Duchamp
American, born France. 1887–1968
49 exhibitions
Max Ernst
French, born Germany. 1891–1976
92 exhibitions
Alexandra Exter
Russian, 1882–1949
11 exhibitions
Juan Gris
Spanish, 1887–1927
77 exhibitions
George Grosz
American, born Germany. 1893–1959
77 exhibitions
Hannah Höch
German, 1889–1978
16 exhibitions
Vasily Kandinsky
French, born Russia. 1866–1944
80 exhibitions
Lajos Kassák
Hungarian, 1887–1967
5 exhibitions
Paul Klee
German, born Switzerland. 1879–1940
132 exhibitions
Erika Giovanna Klien
Austrian, 1900–1957
2 exhibitions
Ivan Kliun
Russian, 1878–1943
5 exhibitions
Oskar Kokoschka
Austrian, 1886–1980
67 exhibitions
Roger de La Fresnaye
French, 1885–1925
41 exhibitions
Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret)
French, born Switzerland. 1887–1965
45 exhibitions
Bart Van Der Leck
Dutch, 1876–1958
9 exhibitions
Fernand Léger
French, 1881–1955
110 exhibitions
Willem van Leusden
Dutch, 1886–1974
3 exhibitions
El Lissitzky
Russian, 1890–1941
44 exhibitions
Jeanne Mammen
German, 1890–1976
3 exhibitions
Louis Marcoussis
Polish, 1883–1941
22 exhibitions
André Masson
French, 1896–1987
71 exhibitions
Henri Matisse
French, 1869–1954
182 exhibitions
Ludwig Meidner
German, 1884–1966
7 exhibitions
Joan Miró
Spanish, 1893–1983
137 exhibitions
Amedeo Modigliani
Italian, 1884–1920
71 exhibitions
László Moholy-Nagy
American, born Hungary. 1895–1946
73 exhibitions
Emil Nolde
German, 1867–1956
48 exhibitions
Amédée Ozenfant
French, 1886–1966
15 exhibitions
Ivo Pannaggi
Italian, 1901–1981
2 exhibitions
László Peri
Hungarian, 1899–1967
2 exhibitions
Francis Picabia
French, 1879–1953
25 exhibitions
Pablo Picasso
Spanish, 1881–1973
231 exhibitions
Lyubov Popova
Russian, 1889–1924
10 exhibitions
Hans Richter
American, born Germany. 1888–1976
9 exhibitions
William Roberts
British, 1895–1980
7 exhibitions
Aleksandr Rodchenko
Russian, 1891–1956
24 exhibitions
Christian Rohlfs
German, 1849–1938
28 exhibitions
Olga Rozanova
Russian, 1886–1918
6 exhibitions
Oskar Schlemmer
German, 1888–1943
45 exhibitions
Kurt Schwitters
German, 1887–1948
56 exhibitions
Yves Tanguy
American, born France. 1900–1955
53 exhibitions
Vladimir Tatlin
Russian, 1885–1953
13 exhibitions
Tristan Tzara
French, born Romania. 1896–1963
4 exhibitions