Max Bill
♂ Swiss, 1908–1994
Max Bill has been in 12 exhibitions at MoMA, between 1938 and 1988.
12 exhibitions

7 December 1938 to 30 January 1939
Paul Klee, Vasily Kandinsky, George Grosz and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, were involved.

4 March to 11 May 1952
Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Joan Miró and Fernand Léger, among others, were involved.

17 March to 17 May 1953
Mildred Constantine, Max Bill, Abram Games and Otl Aicher (also known as Otto Aicher), among others, were involved.

28 April to 7 September 1953
Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Jean (Hans) Arp and Alexander Calder, among others, were involved.

17 December 1958 to 23 February 1959
Arthur Drexler, Man Ray, Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret) and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, among others, were involved.

25 February to 25 April 1965
Frank Stella, Ellsworth Kelly, Josef Albers and Agnes Martin, among others, were involved.

1 March to 8 May 1966
Ben Shahn, Roy Lichtenstein, Josef Albers and Herbert Bayer, among others, were involved.

25 January to 10 March 1968
Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Fernand Léger and Georges Braque, among others, were involved.

5 August to 31 October 1977
Piet Mondrian, László Moholy-Nagy, Pavel Tchelitchew and Kurt Schwitters, among others, were involved.

20 September to 4 December 1977
Jean (Hans) Arp, Vasily Kandinsky, Alexander Calder and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, were involved.

2 October 1985 to 7 January 1986
Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Fernand Léger and Georges Braque, among others, were involved.

6 June to 6 September 1988
Max Ernst, Ben Shahn, Pierre Bonnard and Oskar Kokoschka, among others, were involved.