Timothy O'Sullivan
♂ American, born Ireland. 1840–1882
Timothy O'Sullivan has been in 16 exhibitions at MoMA, between 1937 and 1981.
16 exhibitions

17 March to 18 April 1937
Edward Steichen, Charles Sheeler, Man Ray and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, were involved.

3 March to 5 April 1942
Ansel Adams, Mathew B. Brady, Timothy O'Sullivan and William Henry Jackson, among others, were involved.

24 May to 17 September 1944
Edward Steichen, Charles Sheeler, Man Ray and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, were involved.
20 June 1945 to 23 June 1946
Edward Steichen, Charles Sheeler, Man Ray and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, were involved.
5–18 August 1952
Edward Steichen, Ben Shahn, Charles Sheeler and Man Ray, among others, were involved.

26 November 1958 to 18 January 1959
Edward Steichen, Ben Shahn, Charles Sheeler and John Szarkowski, among others, were involved.

18–29 November 1959
Edward Steichen, Ben Shahn, Charles Sheeler and John Szarkowski, among others, were involved.

24 September to 1 December 1963
Edward Steichen, John Szarkowski, Arthur Drexler and Edward Weston, among others, were involved.

Started 27 May 1964
Edward Steichen, Ben Shahn, Charles Sheeler and Man Ray, among others, were involved.

Started 25 October 1967
Edward Steichen, Charles Sheeler, Man Ray and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, were involved.
3 April to 28 July 1968
Eugène Atget, André Kertész, Mathew B. Brady and Eadweard J. Muybridge, among others, were involved.

1 July to 27 September 1971
Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Paul Klee and Georges Rouault, among others, were involved.

Started 21 December 1979
Edward Steichen, Charles Sheeler, Man Ray and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, were involved.
Started 23 October 1980
Henri Matisse, Fernand Léger, Jasper Johns and Marc Chagall, among others, were involved.

6 May to 5 July 1981
Timothy O'Sullivan, William Henry Fox Talbot, Henri Le Secq and Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, among others, were involved.

9 July to 4 October 1981
Edward Steichen, John Szarkowski, Edward Weston and Alfred Stieglitz, among others, were involved.