(En)tangled Word Bank
Greg McInerny (British, born 1977)
of Microsoft Research, Cambridge
(UK, est. 1997)
Stefanie Posavec (American, born 1981)
C++, R, Processing, and Illustrator
This visual comparison of the six editions
of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of
Species shows the changes Darwin
made to the texts during his lifetime.
Using data from online versions of the
books, the designers created six wheels,
each representing a different edition,
with each chapter divided into sub-chapters,
paragraphs (represented by a leaf
shape), and sentences (represented
by a smaller “leaflet”). The sentences
are colored blue or orange based on
whether or not they will appear in the
next edition—on whether or not they
will survive. Changes representing
scientific advances, adjustments in
the author’s thought process, and
conflicting sections in the text become
apparent, with subtleties as well as
major changes immediately revealed.
Category: Life
Tags: Visualizations / Maps / Mutants and Fairy Tales