Posts in ‘Library and Archives’
December 6, 2012  |  Behind the Scenes, Library and Archives
Victor D’Amico Papers Now Available in the Museum Archives
Victor D'Amico, Director, Department of Education, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. undated. Department of Public Information Records. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York.

Victor D’Amico, Director, Department of Education, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. undated. Department of Public Information Records, II.C.54. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York

The Victor D’Amico Papers are now processed and open for researchers to use onsite, by appointment at the Museum Archives reading room in Long Island City, Queens. The collection’s finding aid (inventory) is searchable online from any web-enabled device, along with MoMA’s other archival collections.

October 10, 2012  |  Behind the Scenes, Library and Archives
Artists in Their Own Words: The MoMA Oral History Program

The transcripts of the Oral History Program have long been a central part of The  Museum of Modern Art Archives, known to many in scholarly circles as an unrivaled primary source for the collective memory of MoMA’s history.

September 28, 2012  |  Behind the Scenes, Library and Archives
Of Staples and Context: Adventures in Processing the Seth Siegelaub Papers

Example of an “information packet,” comprised of various related items, that Seth Siegelaub stapled together

One of the challenging and fundamental responsibilities an archivist faces in his or her work is determining the “original order” of a person or organization’s records.

September 20, 2012  |  Library and Archives
The Tyranny of the Alphabet Book

Mary Mills Lyall and Earl Hargvey Lyall. The Cubies’ ABC (New York: Putnam, 1913. Reprint, 2010)

A is for A show I just Assembled About Artists’ Alphabet books.

August 2, 2012  |  Behind the Scenes, Library and Archives
MoMA Library Explores Photography Manuals

Kids, animals, and pretty girls: amateur photography publications are full of them.

I recently discovered that it’s been that way since the earliest years of photography

June 13, 2012  |  Library and Archives
The Expeditionists: Pioneering Women Who Traveled the World on Collecting Expeditions

As the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) intern for 2012, I am fortunate to be spending time at all three New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC) libraries. The Frick Art Reference Library and those of the Brooklyn Museum and The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) share many attributes. One of these is the important role that collecting expeditions played in increasing the holdings of each institution.

Revisiting Print Studio: Miscellaneous Uncatalogued Material

EXTRA! EXTRA! Hot off the presses! EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it! Publications available at MoMA!

March 28, 2012  |  Library and Archives
Making Millennium Magazines

Installation view of the Millennium Magazines exhibition, The Museum of Modern Art, 2012

As we were brainstorming a name for our Library exhibition of contemporary experimental magazines, Millennium Magazines stuck because of its concise alliteration. The name also specifically isolates this recent period of time—post-Y2K—during which these publications have been flourishing despite constant conversations about the end of print culture.

Behind the Scenes from Zagreb

Sanja Iveković. Tragedija Jedne Venere (Tragedy of a Venus). Zagreb: Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, 1976

This short account is meant to give a brisk bibliographic tour of a few routes that lead to the current MoMA Library exhibition Scenes from Zagreb: Artists Publications of the New Art Practice.

Where Questions Go

Adam, Andre, Daquan, Dashawn, Duval, Jaquan, Joel, Lashawn, Pablo, Rashawn, Reggie, Rowlando, Timothy, Travis, and Tyre. Climbing the Gears of Life. 2009. Courtesy Bronx Residential Center and Artistic Noise

My colleague Lauren Adelman stopped by the reference desk a while back. “What do you have on murals?” she asked. I knew this would be interesting.