8 works online
Josef Albers Bauhaus Stencil Lettering System (Kombinations-Schrift) 1926–1928
Jan Tschichold Die Frau ohne Namen (The Woman Without a Name) (Film poster for the Phoebus-Palast cinema, Munich) 1927
Zdeněk Rossmann Zena doma (Woman at Home) (Catalogue for an exhibition) 1929
Aleksandr Rodchenko Novyi LEF. Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv (New LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts), no. 1 1928
Philippe Apeloig Théâtre du Châtelet, Calendar/Program for season 2006-2007 2006
Experimental Jetset De Theatercompagnie Driekoningenavond 2006
Irma Boom Project Japan: Metabolism Talks 2011
Massimo Vignelli, Beatriz Cifuentes, Yoshiki Waterhouse New York City Subway Diagram 2012
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