8 works online
Reiko Sudo Jelly Fish Fabric c. 1994
Anni Albers Wall Hanging (Woven in 1964 under Albers' supervision from the original design) 1927
Sheila Hicks Prayer Rug 1965
Gilbert Baker Rainbow Flag 1978
Lenore Tawney Dark River 1962
Joel Robinson Ovals textile c. 1951
Mrinalini Mukherjee Yakshi 1984
Otobong Nkanga Tied to the Other Side 2021
Tejiendo con los hilos de la vida
La artista boliviana Elvira Espejo Ayca nos invita a ver los textiles andinos desde la perspectiva de las tejedoras.Oct 4, 2023 -
Weaving through the Threads of Life
Bolivian artist Elvira Espejo Ayca encourages us to view Andean textiles from the perspective of weavers.Oct 4, 2023
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