7 works online
Aleksandr Rodchenko Mess Mend ili Ianki v Petrograde, vol. 1-10 1924
Johannes Baader The Author of the Book Fourteen Letters of Christ in His Home (Der Verfasser das Buches Vierzehn Briefe Christi in seinem Heim) 1920
Hannah Höch Indian Dancer: From an Ethnographic Museum (Indische Tänzerin: Aus einem ethnographischen Museum) 1930
László Moholy-Nagy The Law of Series 1925
Grete Stern Dream No. 1: Electrical Appliances for the Home 1949
Romare Bearden Train Whistle Blues No. 1 1964
Natalia Pinus We Will Build Daycares, Playgrounds, and Factory Kitchens. Enlist Working Women into the Ranks of Active Participants in the Industrial and Social Life of the Country! (Razvernem stroitel’stvo iaslei, detploshchadok, i fabrik-kukhon’, trudiashchiesia zhenshchiny—v riady aktivnykh uchastnits proizvodstvennoi i obshchestvennoi zhizni strany!) 1933
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