12 works online
Kurt Schwitters Merz Picture 32 A. The Cherry Picture (Merzbild 32 A. Das Kirschbild) 1921
Meret Oppenheim Object Paris, 1936
Mike Kelley Untitled 1990
Robert Rauschenberg First Landing Jump 1961
Marcel Duchamp Bicycle Wheel New York, 1951 (third version, after lost original of 1913)
Joseph Cornell Untitled (Bébé Marie) early 1940s
Mark Dion Cabinet (from Project 82 - "Rescue Archeology: A Project for The Museum of Modern Art") 2004
Rachel Harrison Alexander the Great 2007
Jimmie Durham The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan is the World’s Largest Gothic Cathedral. Except, of course, that it is a fake; first by the simple fact of being built in Manhattan, at the turn of the century. But the stone work is re-inforced with steel which is expanding with rust. Someday it will destroy the stone. The Cathedral is in Morningside Heights overlooking a panoramic view of Harlem which is separated by a high fence. 1989
David Hammons Untitled (Night Train) 1989
Carol Bove Disgusting Mattress 2012
Guadalupe Maravilla Disease Thrower #5 2019
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