Master Prints from the Museum Collection
Installation view of the exhibition "Master Prints form the Museum Collection."
May 10, 1949–July 10, 1949. Photographic Archive. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York. IN410.6. Photograph by Soichi Sunami.
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Works identified
Georges Rouault
The Chinese Invented Gunpowder, They Say, and Made Us a Gift of It
Chinois inventa, dit-on, la poudre à canon, nous en fit don
), plate XXXVIII from
1926, published 1948
Georges Rouault
"The Righteous, like Sandalwood, Perfume the Axe That Falls on Them"
«Le Juste comme le bois de santal parfume la hache qui le frappe»
), plate XLVI from
1926, published 1948
Pablo Picasso
Woman with Tambourine
La Femme au tambourin
1939, published 1943
Georges Rouault
Man in Profile from Réincarnations du Père Ubu
Georges Rouault
Floating Dragon from Réincarnations du Père Ubu