Art inSight is a program for individuals who are blind or have low vision and their guests. Staff educators highlight specific themes, artists, or exhibitions through verbal description, multisensory experiences, and discussion.
This in-person program offers the chance to explore the exhibition ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN with the curatorial team. Artist Ed Ruscha has recorded and transformed familiar subjects—whether roadside gasoline stations or the 20th Century Fox logo—often revisiting motifs, sites, or words years later. Together we will trace shifts in the artist’s means and methods over time in works that make use of everything from gunpowder to chocolate.
Art inSight is free of charge. Space is limited and preregistration is required. Register today
For more information, please call Access Programs at 212-408-6447 or email [email protected].
Image description: A gallery installation photograph with an angled glass display case in the foreground. Two large paintings of the same red Standard gas station with different coloring are in the background. The painting on the left has a dark blue sky, and the painting on the right has a bright blue sky. Smaller framed artworks line the gallery wall behind the display case.
The Adobe Foundation is proud to support equity, learning, and creativity at MoMA.
Access and Community Programs are supported by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).
Major funding is provided by Volkswagen of America, The Taft Foundation, and by the Werner and Elaine Dannheisser Fund for Older Adults at MoMA in honor of Agnes Gund.
Additional support is provided by the Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust, the Allene Reuss Memorial Trust, the J.E. and Z.B. Butler Foundation, the Megara Foundation, The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., the Von Seebeck-Share B. Charitable Trust, The Elroy and Terry Krumholz Foundation, and the Annual Education Fund.