12:00–6:00 p.m. · Ann Liv Young premieres Sherry Truck
3:00–5:00 p.m. · IKEA Disobedients
5:00–6:00 p.m. · Evasions of Power book launch
Ann Liv Young premieres *Sherry Truck*
12:00–6:00 p.m., special performance at 4:00 p.m.
Ann Liv Young introduces her highly anticipated *Sherry Truck*—a mobile Sherapy office, a sculptural coffee shop, and a boutique filled with memorabilia from Sherry’s world. Throughout the afternoon, the artist—in character as Sherry—offers individual or couples Sherapy, serves pink lattes, as well as her wares.
At 4:00 p.m., Sherry will present her mobile therapy office to the public through song and speech. The audience will have an opportunity to engage with her, ask questions, and share the special day when the world receives a new platform to connect with Sherry.
The show may contain adult content and may not be suitable for all guests.
IKEA Disobedients
3:00–5:00 p.m.
IKEA Disobedients, an architectural performance by Madrid-based Andrés Jaque Arquitectos, was recently acquired by The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). The international premiere of the performance at MoMA PS1, part of the 9+1 Ways of Being Political exhibition on view concurrently at MoMA, reveals how recent architectural practices utilize performative actions to engage audiences with architecture in a non-traditional way.
The performance occurs in an installation constructed from re-configured IKEA furniture, wherein the notion of “The Independent Republic of Our Home”, as espoused in the traditional family oriented IKEA catalogue, is re-evaluated through the alternative domestic lives of those performing, all of whom counter the notion of domestic isolation via engaging directly with the collective from the intimacy of their own homes.
Each of the nine participants, Corentin Bohl, Gianna Cerbone-Teoli, Moddy Harding, Donnie Jochum, Denish Kinariwala, Maja Leonardsen Musum, Rael Michael Clarke, Greg Newton and Frank Traynor were selected on account of how their own domestic lives exist apart from the professed “norm”. Whether through activism or entrepreneurship these individuals are bringing social and political actions into the personal sanctum of the home. Throughout the two performances each performer will go about the social actions that routinely take place within their own homes, from providing haircuts and food to discussing the nature of their own ideas about what a contemporary domestic idyll encompasses. The audience is encouraged to participate and interact within the space and voice their own thoughts on the idea of the home as not a neutral space but one where “controversy and disagreement (can arise) at the site where affections may also emerge.”
*Evasions of Power* book launch
5:00–6:00 p.m.
The book Evasions of Power: On the Architecture of Adjustment (published by Slought) furthers ongoing discourse about human rights, geopolitical conflict, and territorial sovereignty, with contributions from an array of practitioners from fields including art, literature, philosophy, and architecture. Exploring overlooked urban zones, state borders, enclaves, and extra-territorial sites throughout the world, contributors probed contemporary perspectives on power and its evasions.
Immediately following the architectural performance IKEA Disobedients, which encourages lifestyle disobedience, the book launch for Evasions of Power will feature a theoretical and practical debate between the book’s editors, Katherine Carl, Aaron Levy and Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss, alongside a video comment by french writer and theorist Hélène Cixous.
Sunday Sessions is a weekly presentation of performance, moving images, dance, music, and discursive programs. Its mission is to embrace live arts as an integral aspect of contemporary practice and ask how art forms, which unfold in the here and now, produce specific ways of thinking and useful means to engage with the broader world. Every Sunday different artists, curators, thinkers and a range of other cultural agents are invited to share their latest projects and ideas with the MoMA PS1 audience.
Sunday Sessions is made possible by MoMA’s Wallis Annenberg Fund for Innovation in Contemporary Art through the Annenberg Foundation.