Wikipedia entry
Yakov Georgievich Chernikhov (ukr. Яків Георгійович Чернихов) (5 (17) December 1889 in Pavlograd, Yekaterinoslav Governorate, Russian Empire (now Pavlohrad, Ukraine) – 9 May 1951 in Moscow, Soviet Union) was a Russian architect and graphic designer known for working in the constructivist style. As an architect, painter, graphic artist, and architectural theorist, his greatest contribution was in the genre of architectural fantasy. He was described as the Soviet version of Claude Nicolas Ledoux, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, and Antonio Sant'Elia all at once. His books on architectural design published in Leningrad between 1927 and 1933 was also regarded amongst the most innovative texts (and illustrations) of their time.
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Russian constructivist architect, artist and author.
Ukrainian, Russian
Artist, Author, Architect, Manufacturer, Professor, Designer, Teacher, Art Theorist, Lecturer, Painter, Theorist
Yakov Chernikhov, Yakov Georgievich Chernikhov, ︠IAkov Georgievich Chernikhov, Iakov Chernikhov, Jacob Chernikhov, Jakov Georgievič Černihov, Yakov Tchernikov, Jakov Georgievič Tchernikov, Yakov Tchernykhov, Jakov Georgievič Tschernigoff, Iakov Chernikov, ︠I︡Akov Georgievich Chernikhov, Tchernikov, Jakow Tschernikow, Yakov. Chernikhov, Yakov. Tchernikov, Yakov Georgievich Tchernikov, Iakov Tchernikov, Jacob Tchernikov, Yakov. Tchernykhov, Yakov Georgievich Tchernykhov, Iakov Tchernykhov, Jacob Tchernykhov, Jakov Georgievic Cernichov, Iakov Tchernikhov, Jakov Tjernikov
Information from Getty’s Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License


6 works online



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